Got Milk? Oreos & Cum! (Cum on food 1)

(Henry) As you can see, this video was pretty much totally improvised.

I worked a night shift 2 days ago, (from 11pm to 7am).

At around 6.30am she woke up, so I offered her to have breakfast together, as we've been sharing little time lately. What was her response?

Her:"It's a shame we don't anything at home for breakfast, we could sauce something"
Me:"Oh yeah?"
Her:"Yup, we've been wanting to repeat it (the cum on food thing) for a while, this could be a good chance" (I fucking love this woman, did I told you that already?)

So I stopped by a gas station a couple of blocks from home (the only place where I could get anything at 7am) and bought some things... on one condition, everything was for her to eat after I came on it.

As you can see, she was happy with my idea, and oreos were the first choice from the bag.

Why oreos, I assume many are asking, well:
Dark color gives an excellent contrast against my cum.
Really crunchy (I wasn't expecting this, but I love to hear each bite she takes)
Small size, easy for her to eat.

It's a shame two shots missed the cookies, but as you can see, my slutty, beautiful, slutty wife collected the cum with her fingers so nothing was missed.

Her opinion about the experience:
"The salty taste of the cum paired really well with the cookies, which were too sweet"

If "Gourmet Cumslut" is a thing, this is it!

So, here you have it! Video quality is kinda meh, as I used her phone to record, didn't used a tripod, bad lightning, bad position, etc. But still, she made me cum on something so she could eat it, and I love that, that alone makes this an excellent video, if you ask me!

(BTW, I haven't been able to update every page yet, but my idea for this blog is something like this. Not just sharing the links to our videos, but also to share backstories and details about them. Also, not just me talking, but having her opinion and point of view too! Let me know what do you think about this, do you like it more?)

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  1. Increíble, pueden hacer más de este tipo? Y ella puede hablar?

    1. (Andie): Gracias! Tenemos una larga lista de comidas para videos de este tipo. A medida que los vayamos concretando los vas a poder encontrar en esta pagina. Si puedo hablar? A que te referis?

    2. Mi sugerencia sería con donuts, un pastel, cupcakes, fresas *-*
      Me refiero a si puedes hablar en los videos, me encanta el acento argentino <3

    3. (Henry): Gracias! Fresas (aca les decimos frutillas) ya hicimos, pero no hubo video, que pena, habra que hacerlo de nuevo! hahaha

      Donuts no se si se nos habia ocurrido, cupcakes si, estan en la lista (si, tenemos una lista de cosas para enlechar y que ella coma) pastel, a que te referirias con eso? Si es lo que yo creo (aca le decimos torta, si es como la de cumpleaños, o tarta, si es como la de manzanas) podria estar interesante!

      Sobre que ella hable, le cuesta un poco, aunque no lo parezca es timida! Pero veremos si le sale.

      De ser posible, por favor crea algun usuario, asi sabemos con quien hablamos!


    4. Soy Gustavo :) acá en Chile también le decimos frutillas jajaj es que no sabía.
      Bueno, me encantan este tipo de videos, de semen sobre comida. Torta de cumpleaños, a eso me refiero, sería buenísimo.
      Comparte esa lista por favor jajaj

      Saludos a los dos :D

    5. Mmm i would like eat a oreo with you mmm you like a share with me ?

  2. owwwsssum videoooo. its BEAUTIFULLLLLL. we couple like this very very muchhhh. plze amke a swallowing video of exactlly this hd quality but in bra and in nude with showing her beautifulllll boobs. plzzzz its my wife's requesttt. plzzz. plzzz

    1. (Henry): Thanks! We aren't going to make nude videos at the moment, but maybe we can see her boobs, lets see!

  3. Dude you uploaded so many minutes of videos.
    And she is naked for 10seconds at most.
    Do somethign about this, for god shake we want to see her NAKED

    1. (Henry): Hi! We aren't going to make any nude videos for a while. We had a baby 2 months ago, so my wife isn't comfortable showing her body yet.

    2. Old videos or photos? at least :)

    3. (Henry): Well, mostly all our old videos are in the last video we made, the cumpilation. About photos, I'll see which one Andie likes so we can post them!

  4. yes please. it will be great!

  5. What about these naked photos :) :) :)

    1. Oh god... Full naked photos is a necessity.

    2. (Henry): We won't be publishing naked photos, as Andie doesn't want to, and she is the one who has the last word on everything we share!

  6. For god shake give us nudityyyyy

    1. (Henry): We won't be publishing naked photos, as Andie doesn't want to, and she is the one who has the last word on everything we share!

  7. Excelente video!!!!...siii...frutillas enlechadas puede ser.... bananas...manzanas...lo q sea!!!! 😂😂😂😂

    1. (Henry): Jajajaj, asi es! cualquier cosa con leche queda bien si es para que ella lo coma! Estamos pensando que nuestro proximo video sea asi

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Replies
    1. We like them too! In fact, I'd love to have her eat everything she loves with cum!

  10. Que hermosa se ve mirando a camara y sonriendo mientras come. Tiene unos labios hermosos! Opino como el chileno, me encantaria escucharla hablar, pero al menos esta vez pudimos saber su opinión sobre la comida!
    Ya que experimentan mucho, dicen que comer mucho tomate te hace acabar más. y que comer ananá, y bajarle a la carne, hace que el semen sea mas dulce y rico... Si Henry esta dispuesto podrian experimentar con eso!
    Y Henry: hay que mejorar esa puntería! pobre Andie tiene que estar agarrando de la mesa... hay niños que no tienen que comer y vos deperdiciando... jajaja (es chiste obvio)
    el rengo

    1. Jajajaj Genial tu comentario! Estoy al tanto del tomate y el anana, y ambas cosas las probamos, no se el tomate, pero con el anana si encuentra diferencia (es mas, cuando empezabamos a salir, me comia una lata de anana durante el dia antes de verla, justamente por ese motivo). Otra cosa importante es evitar el picante, que le da mal gusto (por lo que deje de comerlo directamente)
      El tema de la punteria a veces se complica, ya que al acabar con tanta fuerza, si le apuntas muy directo rebota y termina en el piso igual! jajaj


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