Blowjob on the side of the bed and facial

(Henry) I love this video (even if her arms are a little sunburned!)

Please leave a comment!


  1. WoW!

    Just found you!
    You are amazing!
    Your wife is beautiful :-) and you really do great camera work! :-)
    Good close up videos and pictures also!

    Please keep going, make more videos, more often!!
    You will be very famous with time, so much potential in you!

    Do some sex videos too, want to see your wife's pussy too :-) And of course cum in her mouth at the end :)

    And moooreee cum play videos!! Close up! Close and good quality hd videos!
    Would be great to see some facial and wife with her fingers put into her tongue and play with it!
    Love her smile!!

    Keep going! More videos! Good quality! Congratulations!!

    Waiting for the next one very much!

    //even my girlfriend enjoy watching your wife playing with cum :D :D
    Keep going! //

    1. Thanks for your comment!

      I do agree with you, she is beautiful, that was the main reason I started filming her, she wouldn't believe me how gorgeous she looked while sucking me!

      We want to make videos more often, but as both of us work, and also have a daughter and a son, it can get really complicated to find enough time alone and uninterrupted in order to do anything!

      About the sex videos, as we had a child a few weeks ago, she isn't comfortable showing her body yet. I like your idea about a facial video, question, what you want to see is:
      A) She getting a facial, then collecting all the cum with her fingers and swallowing, or
      B) She getting a facial while she sucks and licks he fingers?
      I think your description can apply to both scenarios

      We really like to hear your girlfriend enjoys our videos, as female opinions are incredibly important for us. Could you ask her to tell us more? Maybe tell us what she thinks of our videos?

      We have a new video up you can show to her.


    2. Hi!

      First, thank you for your reply, really appreciated! Usually said to leave a comment, but very few read it afterwards and nobody comments...
      And you even asking what videos to make, so feedback is important to you, sooo much appreciated!! Many thanks!! Very rare...The two of you will be really famous with these mindset :)

      Second...let's congratulate for your child! :)

      And yes, if she had any doubt, tell her : SHE IS INSANELY BEAUTIFUL AND CHARMING!!!
      Not even I think, and many others :), even my girlfriend said that :) She is soo lovely she said.

      So I hope she will be comfortable for her body soon in the future, and we can see her pussy as well :) Sooo curious :) Encourage her! :)
      And I would be curious about an other thing as well...because I think she could be beautiful both ways :-)

      And the videos :) :
      1. Yes, absolutely A. She is getting a facial, and then collecting the cum with her fingers /slowly of course :)/ and put it into her tongue/mouth and the play with it.

      /just could happen the video above, she got a nice thick cum facial, then the video ended...:(( That would be the time when fun could start, not end the video :/
      So hopefully next time :)/

      2. And that would be good too, for exaple getting cum in mouth and then little bit out of her mouth to her chin, or into her hand and then she lick it again from her hand, and play with it...

      3. Would be awesome too, if she is getting a facial, put some cum into her mouth as mentioned, but holding some thick cum on her face! So while she is playing with cum in her mouth, she has cum on her face too at the same time for long, untouched!!

      4. This request actually from my girlfriend :) /but I think I would like it too :) /
      She said it would be a big turn on to her to see if your wife getting a facial and/or played with cum, but still thick cum on her face, and then the video not ends, but your wife does some ordinary things afterwards. For example something in the kitchen, cleaning, writing an email or anything /more the better/ and she STILL has thick facial cum on her face...
      My girlfriend think this is very big turn on :)
      Seeing a girl with cum on her face doing ordinary things afterwards not bothered that her face has cum on it :)

      /sorry, had to cut the comment two piece, too much character doesn't allowed :)/

    3. 5. And both of us thinks cum walk videos soo great!! Keep doing that too! :) Public places, people around, and long videos what already you did!! Sooo good! We both enjoy this!

      And lastly about my girlfriend thoughts, because you asked :)

      First of all, she thinks your wife is soooo beautiful :) and lovely, charming! She loves your wife smile very much!
      And what she likes your videos, that your wife playing with cum so naturally, and she thinks that your wife enjoys this too! Not doing it by only your request! Because it would be so different!
      She likes that your wife smiling all the time, no hurrying swallowing, playing with cum long, enjoying it.
      She said seeing your wife playing with cum so long and natural and smiling and enjoying, that it is very much turn on for her!
      Even though she never been with a woman before or anything..

      And acutally I always tried to encourage my girlfriend to make videos us, but she never would, she is so shy and fear, but she said now that watching your videos she is getting feel like it, that maybe one day...
      So your videos very positive effect on her attitude :)

      And after seeing your videos she turn on, so we have a great time after it...:) so both of us thank you for your videos :)
      This lovely cumplay is very very rare, neither of us enjoy the professional porn, no emotional in it, but yours are different. Cleary can see she enjoying it!

      And maybe one more little thing : it would be very good if when she swallows,can hear the sound of is a huge turn on too :)

      But really...I understand the reasons, but please try more (!!!) videos! :)
      Good quality,close up! :) Long :)
      And tell your wife that don't doubt herself, she is beautiful, even my girlfriend said that and like her !! /and she is pretty too!/

      If more videos come and if you want, both of me and my girlfriend will comment! :)

      And have a good family life too! :)

      Nice day! :)

    4. (Andie): Thanks for the compliments!
      I'm glad to hear that our videos made your girlfriend turn on. It's a really important feedback to us, as we aim to make our content female friendly.
      We agree most professional porn is completely fake, as an example, neither of us can stand faked moans and facial expressions, even more so stupid phrases like the typical "oh yeah", "fuck me" "harder" etc etc
      I hope your girlfriend gets courage to make some videos, it would be great to be able to see her. I know it's a difficult decision to make, it took me almost 8 years to decide to publish our material, and let people see my face.
      Please keep watching our videos and leave your comments anytime you want. Feedback is appreciated!

      (Henry): Thanks a lot for your reply!
      About the video end, I had to cut it there, as she got some cum in her eye, and even though I love to have her covered in cum, having her suffer is not something I would enjoy, and cum in the eye can really hurt!
      I like your girlfriend's suggestion, in fact, we did something like that:
      A couple of times, after I got back from work, I came in her face, and then we had dinner, while she was still plastered! (I loved it)
      Another variation: She used to clean herself right away, as cum dripping on her face tickled her, and she didn't liked that. So in order to make her get used to it, during an entire week, every night before going to bed, I would give her a facial, then we would see a family guy episode or two before she could clean herself (usually, she would end up getting an anal before that, I love to do it while she has cum on her face)
      As my wife said, your feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!

    5. Hi,

      I wrote an email...hopefully to the right email address :-)
      Please check it if you have time! :)

      Nice day both of you! :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I totally agree with you, that's why I need more and more videos of her!

  3. Que una mujer te deja correr en su cara es lo más sexy que puede haber y además una prueba total de amor. Yo logre que la mía me dejara hacerlo algunas veces, pero no es algo que le guste. Yo lo haría continuamente, jeje. Tienes mucha suerte. Tu mujer es preciosa, sobre todo con el pelo largo.

    1. Muchas gracias! Coincido plenamente, es el mayor regalo!


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